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HomeCustomer CareBlog › Tips for Organizing Before You Unpack

Tips for Organizing Before You Unpack

Open moving boxes in a tidy, empty room

Prepare an essentials box with necessary items for each family member and major room to ensure comfort on your first day. Clearly label all boxes, especially essentials, to streamline unpacking and settling into your new home efficiently.

1. Prepare an Essentials Box

Having an essentials box is vital for a smooth transition into your new home. This box should contain items you need for your first day, like toiletries, snacks, tools, and other immediate necessities. This approach helps prevent frantic searches for bare essentials amongst numerous packed boxes.

Two approaches can be taken with the essentials box:

  1. Create a box for every family member, including pets.
  2. Prepare a box for each major room in the house.

With both approaches, the goal is to include items that enable you to have a comfortable initial day in your new place. Essentials should make it possible for you to have a meal, take a shower, and rest appropriately. Some items to consider are:

  • Basic cooking utensils and food items.
  • Personal items like toiletries and specific items for children.
  • Essential tools and cleaners.

Remember to take these boxes with you. Do not load them onto the moving truck.

It's good to jot down items you might need over the first days in your new house. This will streamline your packing and ensure you don't forget anything critical. Pack any liquids in sealed containers for safety, and keep your boxes open until you're ready to depart. This way, you can easily add any last-minute items.

When you seal your boxes, clearly label them and move them into your own vehicle. You want these essential boxes to travel with you, so they're the first thing you open when you arrive at your new residence.

A family unpacking essential boxes containing toiletries, snacks, and tools in a new home, with separate boxes for each family member and major room

2. Label Everything Clearly

Labeling your moving boxes can greatly simplify the unpacking process. Detailed labels not only assist with organizing the process but also help in locating specific items fast.

  • Every box can feature a general label regarding its contents. For instance, "kitchen utensils" or "dining room decor." A general labeling brings clarity about the type of contents in a box.
  • For a more organized approach, listing the specific contents on each box can be beneficial. A box labeled "Kitchen utensils - Spatulas, Spoons, Whisks" makes locating individual items much quicker.
  • A room destination tag on every box can guide movers directly to the correct location in the new property. This saves time on moving day as well as during unpacking.
  • If you're packing essential items separately, these boxes should be distinctively marked as "Essentials" and preferably, moved with you in your vehicle for immediate access.

Proper labeling might seem time-consuming initially, but it's a small effort that leads to efficient unpacking and settling into your new home. Making the unwrapping process stress-free is worth the few extra minutes spent on organizing with clear labels.

3. Clean Before You Unpack

Before the boxes arrive, take the opportunity to thoroughly clean areas that are more challenging to access after your furniture is in place. This gives you a fresh start in your new environment, enhancing your peace of mind.

  • Particular focus should be on corners, behind doors, and other hard-to-reach spots. It's easier to clean these areas when they're empty.
  • Cleaning your new premises before unpacking can facilitate the arrangement of furniture and household items without interference from dust and dirt.

It's beneficial to maintain cleanliness throughout the moving process. Have a box with cleaning supplies ready for unexpected messes that might show up during the unpacking process.

  • Select items for this box like all-purpose cleaner, gloves, and kitchen roll. It's more practical to keep these essential cleaning items at hand rather than rummaging through various boxes.
  • Just remember, label this box clearly to differentiate it from other boxes and place it where you can easily access it.

While unpacking, a little effort goes a long way in ensuring your new place is clean and ready for a fresh start. With the right planning and execution, you can enjoy settling into your new environment.

Empty room with sunlight streaming through windows, highlighting a cleaning bucket with supplies and gloves, focusing on corners and behind an open door

4. Plan Your Space

Before settling into your new space and unpacking, considering a preemptive plan of action will make the process simpler.

  • Start by visualizing how you'd like each room to look. Picture where each piece of furniture will best fit and how it will affect the overall layout.
  • It's beneficial to take measurements of your furniture beforehand, especially for larger pieces. Acknowledging the dimensions of your furniture will aid you in planning where to place each item without any guesswork.

Understanding how movement will flow through the space can make a significant difference.

  • Analyze common walking paths within each room. By doing this, it will help you to arrange furniture and belongings in a way that doesn't obstruct these pathways.
  • Thinking about the functionality of the room is vital. Arrange items according to how frequently they are used and how easily you need to access them.

These strategies can simplify your unpacking and organizing process, helping your new space feel like home in no time.


5. Prioritize Unpacking by Room

Organizing before you start unpacking can ease the process tremendously. It's smart to establish a sequence in which rooms will be unpacked. It's best to start with the bedroom and kitchen.

The bedroom is the sanctuary for rest after all the moving work. Unpacking it first allows for a good night's sleep in the midst of the moving turmoil. Begin by assembling and making the bed. Don't forget to have necessary items like sheets, pillows, and duvets at hand.

Moving on to the kitchen, setting it up early in the process means you can prepare meals instead of relying on takeout. Even if your plan is to go out or dine on fast food during the initial days, having a few basic items on hand can be beneficial. Pack a box with kitchen essentials, like a toaster, skillet, can opener, and cooking utensils. It's also smart to have some simple food items, like bread, canned goods, or unopened peanut butter and jelly.

Creating an essentials box for each room can be an effective approach. Pack essential items for each room and mark the boxes accordingly. For instance, personal items can be packed in the bedroom's essentials box. Each person should have a box containing their personal items.

You'd also want to pack essentials for at least one bathroom, with items like towels, toilet paper, soap, and shampoo. If you're creating an essentials box for each room, you'll still need a separate box for your pets.

The key to this process is planning. Long before you move, start jotting down the items you’ll need in your new home. Don't seal your essentials boxes until you're ready to leave, so you can add any last-minute items you forgot to include. Clearly label them and keep them with you rather than loading them onto the moving truck. This ensures that they're ready to open when you get to your new home.

Sorting your items by rooms and unpacking one room at a time can provide functionality and a sense of order after the chaos of a move.

Bedroom setup with bed, sheets, pillows, and a night lamp, next to a kitchen with a toaster, skillet, and basic food items on the counter


What should I include in an essentials box when moving?

An essentials box should contain items necessary for your first day in a new home, such as toiletries, snacks, tools, and other immediate necessities. It's recommended to create a personal box for each family member and pet, or a box for each major room. Include basics for eating, cleaning, and sleeping. Keep these boxes with you during the move for easy access upon arrival.

How should I label my moving boxes for better organization?

Label every box with its contents and the room it belongs to. You can list specific items in each box for quicker retrieval, like "Kitchen utensils - Spatulas, Spoons, Whisks". Also, clearly mark essential boxes and keep them separate for immediate use. Detailed labeling helps streamline both the moving and unpacking processes.

Why is it important to clean my new home before unpacking?

Cleaning your new space before unpacking allows you to reach areas that will be hard to access once furniture is placed. This ensures a fresh, clean start in your new environment and makes the arrangement of furniture and items easier and cleaner.

What planning should be done before unpacking in a new home?

Before unpacking, visualize the layout of each room, measure furniture, and plan where each item will be placed. Consider the functionality of the room and the frequency of use for each item. Organizing beforehand simplifies the unpacking process and helps avoid cluttering walkways and living spaces.

How should I prioritize unpacking my belongings by room?

Start with the bedroom to ensure a good night's sleep, then move on to the kitchen so you can prepare meals. Create and label an essentials box for each room, including personal items and necessary toiletries. Unpack one room at a time, starting with the most essential spaces, to make the process manageable and organized.

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